Top 10 Disadvantages of Sarkari Naukri

Although the younger generation which is in college right now, is least interested in sarkari naukri, however still there are a lot of people in our society who thinks that sarkari naukri (govt. job) could be the best choice for their career. Well! I strongly beg to differ with those people who think […]

Although the younger generation which is in college right now, is least interested in sarkari naukri, however still there are a lot of people in our society who thinks that sarkari naukri (govt. job) could be the best choice for their career.

Well! I strongly beg to differ with those people who think govt. jobs can be a choice for their career.

I do have some genuine grievances with sarkari jobs. My father worked for a government job for all his life and I have seen life of a government employee very closely.

In fact, even I got an opportunity to work for a sarkari naukri however I rightfully decided not to go for it.

I do not like government jobs, not because I have contempt for them but I do have some bitter experiences. So here are those reasons why government jobs could not be for you.

1. Each Day is Boring & Monotonous

First disadvantage of a sarkari naukri is that they are very boring and monotonous. Not all government jobs but most of them.

You do not enjoy working there as people do in private sector jobs. In government jobs, you’re free to sit idly without anybody noticing you, but that is not something I would like to do.

Why sitting idly?

I am a person who loves to learn something new each day and enjoy every moment at my workplace. Off course you can enjoy every moment if you work in a company that respects your talent.

Let me tell you one thing, you will definitely miss a smile on your face if you work for a sarkari naukri.

2. Discouraging & Frustrating Work Environment

In a government job, you have to adjust with very discouraging and frustrating work environment. Jealousy and leg-pulling among employees is a day to day affair.

I am not trying to be sarcastic but work environment is OK only for a person who is lazy and sluggish.

But if you are a person, who is bit adventurous and loves doing new things in life then you would obviously not like the work culture there.

For me an environment in a sarkari job is very hostile to people who want to rise up in their life.

3. No Merit, Only Reference

The most negative aspect of a government job is promotions are not based on merit. They depend more on reference of someone influential.

We call it nepotism.

A deserving employee will never get promotion on the basis of merit and an inferior worker will supersede him because he has reference of someone influential.

In a government job, the talent or integrity of a person is never appreciated. Any other guy can prosper by hook or crook.

This phenomenon is normal in government jobs but in private jobs everything is based upon merits. Hence sarkari naukris are not for a hardworking and honest person.

4. Monthly Salary is Peanuts

What you get in a government job compared to any private sector job is just peanuts. Monthly salary and other perks are very less compared to private jobs.

In fact, a government employee cannot afford buying a home in his entire life time. But you will see young men working in private companies having a house and a car. The difference is shocking.

The main reason why you get less salary is because in government jobs there is no appreciation of honest and hardworking men.

Whether you work honestly or just sit idly, you will get the same salary every month.

So, why people should work in government sector? It is wiser, not to work there.

5. Transfers in Inhospitable Areas

I remember when I was a kid, we have to move from one place to other in short period of time. It was so heart breaking because you have to leave your friends, forever.

In government jobs you have to be ready to go anywhere in your country. Some transfers are even in inhospitable areas where you cannot take your family.

You have to leave your family and live alone for many years. Could you imagine a life without your family?

Yes! You have to live, if you are in a sarkari naukri, especially in armed services.

6. Government Gives a Damn about Employees

Unlike private jobs where companies take care of their employees, in government sector senior officials give a damn about their employees.

Accountability in government jobs is very less. No one bothers because it is a state run enterprise and there is no concept of profit or loss.

Like a private company is accountable to consumers or share holders, there is no such thing in government sector.

It is because lack of accountability they give a damn about employees.

7. Inferior Lifestyle

Less salary and transfers to inhospitable areas would make you to live a substandard lifestyle. With little salary you can hardly make your both ends meet.

Moreover you cannot even fulfill demands of your children with a government salary. You would be forced to hoard money and spend nothing on your lifestyle.

Moreover, transfers to hard area will make your life even more miserable. You have to live away from your family.

However, a man who is in private company has more disposable income to spend. In a sarkari naukri, you do not have disposable income to spend on anything.

8. Stunted Personality

Such a work environment and an inferior lifestyle will certainly not allow you to develop your personality, in a way it should be.

But in other jobs you get a chance to develop personality because you get to learn new things on daily basis.

You improve your personality and face the world more confidently. But in a government job you cannot have a developed personality.

9. Doomed Future for Remaining Career

Lack of developed personality will not allow you to look forward in your future. If you want to apply for another job once you have left the government job then it would be very difficult because you lack a decent personality.

And in any good private job they do look for experience and personality both. Therefore your future would not be so bright.

10. Never Contented

The most elated feeling that a man could want is contentment. Whatever he or she is doing, happiness is more important than money.

In government jobs a person would never have satisfaction for what he is doing. Neither money nor satisfaction in a sarkari naukri!

According to me, these are 10 disadvantages of a government job.

However, before I end, I want to caution you that, not every government job is as bad as I mentioned in above 10 points.

Some are good and people love working there. But, what I said in this article applies generally for a sarkari naukri.

Hence you must be careful before you make any decision.

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