25 Most Toughest & Dangerous Jobs in India

There are the most dangerous jobs in India where people risk their lives to save our lives. You must know some of the most toughest and risky jobs in the country.
Dangerous jobs

There are some jobs that could be fatal to your life. This article would like to list the 25 most dangerous jobs in India and the world.

There are specific jobs where people risk their lives to save our lives. You must know some of the dangerous jobs in the country.

If you like to go for one of the 25 dangerous jobs mentioned below, you are most welcome. It could be adventurous for you.

If you don't like the job, you could request the people working for these dangerous jobs.

So here is the list of the 25 most dangerous jobs in the world.

List of Most Risky & Dangerous Jobs in India

Dangerous jobs

1. Firefighters


The first most dangerous jobs on the list are a firefighter. You have to be ready for any eventuality.

Any time a call could come, you have to be ready in seconds. Firefighters have to get inside the burning building and save people's life. Some of them die.

The monthly salary could be around Rs 15000/- to Rs 20,000/-

2. Construction Workers

Construction Workers

Construction workers have to work on high buildings or skyscrapers. And it is hazardous because there are many accidents where workers fall from the top and die.

Constructions workers could make Rs 500/- to Rs 700/- daily.

3. Film StuntMan

film stuntman

Whether it is Bollywood or Hollywood, some great action movies are made. And those action movies need brave stunt performers.

Stunt performers perform every action sequence in the film, which is very dangerous. Many stunt performers have died; some have insurance, and some don't.

An average stunt performer in India could make a few lakhs per film.

4. Astronauts


Walking in a vacuum is very dangerous. There is no atmosphere, so there is no oxygen and pressure outside.

Hence, you must wear a spacesuit, and if there is even a single hole or puncture while performing a spacewalk, you may die.

Similarly, there is a danger of fire in the spaceship every time. Astronauts make thousands of dollars every year.

5. Search and Rescue Operations

Search and Rescue Operations

If there is a natural disaster like a flood, cyclone, or hurricane, you have to search and rescue operations.

These operations are hazardous because of bad weather. Your chopper or plane might wander away and crash somewhere.

6. Electric Lineman and Repairers

Electric Lineman and Repairers

All power grids and electric lines carry high-voltage currents. And you need linemen and repairers to rectify transformers and electric lines if something goes wrong.

Job is dangerous. There could be a power leak in the line while working on it.

Electric lineman makes Rs 8000/- to Rs 15,000/- per month.

7. Police and Patrol Officers

Police and Patrol Officers

Police officers and constables have to deal with thugs and the most vicious criminals in society. Sometimes you have to open fire, and you might die in exchange for the other side.

The salary of a police officer could be between Rs 10,000/- to Rs20,000/-

8. Mountain Climbers and Guides

Mountain Climbers and Guides

I was in Nepal to climb one of the mountains in the Himalayan range. I came across mountain guides who guide all mountaineers to climb a peak.

The job could be dangerous if you don't know about climbing too high.

The average mountain guide could make Rs 15,000/- to Rs 25,000/-

9. Iron and Steel Workers

Iron and Steel Workers

Crude iron is melted in a furnace where temperatures can reach 2000 to 3000 degrees Celsius.

And metal crafters have to pour this molten iron into another container. If something goes wrong, then molten iron could fall on the workers, and they might die.

So this is very dangerous.

A worker could make Rs 10000 to Rs 15,000/-

10. Land Mine Removers

Land Mine Removers

The army needs to lay down land mines during the war to blow up the enemy's tanks and other vehicles.

However, after the war, you got to remove those land mines during peace times, and the job could take your life.

11. E-Waste Recycler

E-Waste Recycler

E-waste is things like waste parts of computers, mobile phones, and other tech gadgets.

The waste materials could be hazardous to your health. The e-waste recycler makes significantly less money, like Rs 8000 to Rs 12,000/-

2. Deep-Sea Fisherman

Deep-Sea Fisherman

Fishers have to go deep inside the sea to catch fish. Sometimes weather is so bad that fishers never return to the shore.

Every year hundreds of fishers die or never return to the shore in the country.

13. Chemical and Gas Factory Workers

Chemical and Gas Factory Workers

Chemical and gas factory workers face many life-threatening challenges like iron and steelworkers.

Hundreds of workers die in these factories daily because of the lack of safety measures.

14. Construction Helpers

Construction Helpers

Constructions helpers are like their workers, which is also a dangerous job. Many lives are lost as construction helpers.

15. Sweeper and Sanitation Workers

Sweeper and Sanitation Workers

Street sweepers' sanitation workers face many health problems because of the nature of their work.

They die early because of a lack of sanitation and healthcare facility. They make significantly less money, like Rs 6000/- to Rs 7000/-

16. Slaughter House Workers

Slaughter House Workers

Workers who work in slaughterhouses and other meat packaging industries live a dangerous life.

Working with intelligent machines for cutting and chopping could lead to unforeseen accidents. That is why this job is hazardous.

17. Truckers and Transport Drivers

Truckers and Transport Drivers

Truck and other transport drivers have to travel long distances, and sometimes they have to go dangerous places where there is no security.

They may get robbed or even get killed. Hence the job is quite dangerous.

18. Soldiers


A soldier's job is muchly respected, but it is pretty dangerous. You have to go to war, and you might lose your life.

Terrorism and global disorder always make the life of a soldier very dangerous.

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19. Roofers


Roofer fixes the rooftop of your home. This job could be dangerous because they need to climb high to fix tiles on the house.

You get injured if you do not pay attention.

20. Bodyguards


Politicians, celebrities, and other famous & influential people need bodyguards. The job is challenging because you need to protect them from any danger.

If there is a shooting, then you have to pull a gun and shoot back. This could be dangerous to your life, but the money is excellent.

21. Circus Performers

Circus Performers

Circus performers have to do daring stunts like taming a lion or putting ahead inside a crocodile's jaw. These acts could be dangerous.

Beasts like elephants or lions could kill them in minutes. So the job of a circus performer is hazardous.

22. Farmers


Being a farmer could be challenging in this country. Farmers may not die like firefighters or soldiers; however, if the crop is not good, they have to live a terrible life.

On average life of a farmer is quite tricky.

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23. Pilot and Crew Members

Pilot and Crew Members

The pilot of an airliner has a very dangerous job on his hands. As you know, a Malaysian Airline crashed in the South China Sea, and all on board were dead.

So as a commercial pilot, you could make a lot of money, but the job could be dangerous. Even the life of a fighter pilot is very dangerous.

24. Logging Workers or Lumberjack

Logging Workers or Lumberjack

Logging workers or people who cut trees, called lumberjacks, is a very dangerous job. Machines they use could be very dangerous if they don't know to use them.

They cut a tree in seconds; hence the danger is very imminent.

25. Operatives and Detectives

Operatives and Detectives

The last dangerous job on our list is operatives and detectives. You are an undercover agent and must collect information through spying.

If you are caught, then you are dead. Hence the job is very dangerous because you cannot take risks.

So these were the top 25 dangerous jobs in the world. Some of them you can try, and some you would not like to work for. Most of the jobs mentioned above are private jobs, and only a few of them are government jobs.

Please keep visiting our website SureJob.in, to find free job alerts for all govt. Jobs.

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