Top Tips to Writing a Resume

What You Need To Know About Resumes

You are probably one out of the many job seekers out there who have submitted a resume to a prospective employer, ending up without any call for a job interview. This can be truly disheartening and also keep you thinking what exactly was not right with your resume. Essentially, your resume is the piece of information that builds your character and creates a impression on your potential employer. Hence, if you want to hit your target, producing a winning resume is a must. With this in hand, here is our Surejob top tips to writing a resume.

Things to Consider In Resume Writing

Primarily, you have to identify the position that you are applying for to begin writing your resume. This is the first thing that you have to consider followed by your educational attainment. Basically, you need to think whether your education and training are enough to qualify you for the job that you are applying for.

 Resume Writing Tips

Moreover, among a important tip to writing a resume is to focus on your job descriptions. This should include your present and previous job descriptions best aimed at the type of job you wish to acquire. As much as possible take advantage of keywords or jargon depending on the position you are applying for to make your resume more competent.

It will be helpful as well if you incorporate all your accomplishments and contributions to your past and present employers. Knowing what you have contributed and what you have to share can count in a resume.

Important Things to Remember

Now that you have a quick idea as to what to include in your resume it is important to follow these top tips to writing a resume in order to increase your chances of getting your dream job.

  • Be particular with the format. It is advisable to use only black ink and standard fonts like Times New Roman or Arial. With the font size you should be good with 11 and no less than 10.
  • Make sure your resume is free from grammatical, spelling and punctuation mistakes. You can make use of your PC’s spell check program but you also have to proofread it for more assurance.
  • As much as possible, use high quality resume paper. Settle for dirty white or cream instead of the usual white.
  • Your resume should contain a clear and strong objective. This should include your purpose, best attributes and your contributions.
  • Among the top tips to writing a resume is to state your work history in a chronological order. Also, it is advised to include the dates as well for the duties and responsibilities involved in each job.
  • As a standard, have your resume in one page but if you wish to add more information it should not exceed two pages.
  • Be truthful and do not exaggerate.
  • Ensure that your resume is relevant to the job you are applying for.

These are the top tips to writing a resume that must be followed in order to produce a winning resume that can definitely help you get the job that you dream of.

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