30 Easy Best Out Of Waste Ideas For Kids 2023

In this article, learn innovative best out of waste ideas for kids. Encourage your kids to be creative and resourceful with these 30 easy Best Out of Waste ideas!

In 2005, there was a TV show called “M.A.D”. It’s short for music, art, and Dance. With its easy-to-make crafts and child-centric theme, it became one of the most awaited shows. Now that we have the internet, there’s no more waiting for a show to stream and give us craft ideas.

Today, the buzz is around the best out of waste ideas. They’re great for home decor, school projects, or simply for developing the motor skills of your little munchkin. You can make use of the waste lying around in the house, add a tint of creativity, and do wonders.

Children can surprise you with their ideas. All they need is the right opportunity to do so. Making the best out of waste can give them a chance and help them explore their minds. 

On top of that, most parents are hunting for a way to distract their children from electronic gadgets. Make your kids do some crafts and have some fun. So, let’s look at the 30 best out of waste ideas for kids so they can build useful things easily.

30 Easy Best Out of Waste Ideas For Kids

1. Sock Puppets

Sock Puppets

What You Need:

  • Socks
  • Glue
  • Googly eyes
  • Yarn hairs

How to Make the Best Out of Waste:

  1. Take clean and washed socks
  2. Wear it in your hand and mark the eyes with a marker pen
  3. Stick googly eyes and  hair on the top
  4. The sock puppet is ready!

2. Bottle Planter

Bottle Planter

What You Need:

  • Plastic bottles
  • Utility knife
  • Paint and paintbrush
  • a small plant

How to Make the Best Out of Waste:

  1. Take a plastic bottle and carefully cut the bottle in ⅓ from bottom-up or simply into half.
  2. Take your colors and paint the bottom part of the bottle in the colors and shapes you wish.
  3. You can also decorate it with beads and craft mirrors(optional)
  4. Finally, carefully place a plant inside your planter

3. Paper Cup Baskets

Paper Cup Baskets

What You Need:

  • Paintbrush
  • Glue
  • Acrylic colors
  • Scissors
  • Pencil
  • Paper cups

How to Make the Best Out of Waste:

  1. Get a paper cup and use a pencil to mark a circle at ⅔ height from its base.
  2. Now cut the straight lines at equal distances around the cup till the marked height.
  3. Roll the cuts with a pencil or paper
  4. Color the cup with your desired shapes and colors
  5. Stick a paper strip to the sides of the cup to make its handle

4. Popsicle Pen Stand

Popsicle pen stand

What You Need:

  • Popsicle sticks
  • An empty can
  • Glue
  • Poster/acrylic colors

How to Make the Best Out of Waste:

  1. Use your colors and paint the popsicle sticks with the colors you want
  2. Now take the can and cover the entire can by sticking the popsicle sticks around its exterior.
  3. Get the mess of your pens and put them into your pen stand.

5. Peanut Pod Frame 

Peanut pod frame

Link: https://www.instagram.com/p/CaiEoIMjDBw/ ( for picture reference)

What You Need:

  • A circle cut-out of cardboard
  • Painting colors
  • Paintbrush
  • Glue stick
  • white paper

How to Make the Best Out of Waste:

  1. Cut the white paper to overlap the cardboard cut out.
  2. Stick it on the cardboard and paint it black.
  3. Now paint different colors on the peanut pods and stick them vertically in a random order to replicate balloons.
  4. Draw the balloon threads with a pencil, and at the bottom of it, stick a paper cut out in the shape of an isosceles trapezium.
  5. Finally, draw some clouds on white paper, cut them, and randomly stick them on the frame. Your art is ready!

6. Plastic Spoon Vase

Plastic Spoon Vase

What You Need:

  • A can
  • Paper plates
  • Glue 
  • Scissors
  • Acrylic paints
  • Plastic spoons
  • Primer paint

How to Make the Best Out of Waste:

  1. Start with painting the pan with white primer
  2. Cut the handles of the spoons and paint them with a color of your choice.
  3. Use enough paint so you can cover the can with spoons.
  4. Stick the spoons in layers, and your spoon vase is ready.

7. Bottle Flowers

Bottle Flowers

What You Need:

  • Plastic bottles
  • Scissors
  • Paint
  • Glue

How to Make the Best Out of Waste:

  1. Take a plastic bottle and cut it 5 inches from top 
  2. Now cut the rest of the bottle into the shape of petals
  3. Color it with your favorite combination
  4. Apply glue on the cap and stick it on the wall, and you’ve got your bottle flowers.

8. Paper Plate Masks

Paper Plate Masks

What You Need:

  • Paper plates
  • paint
  • Scissors
  • Paintbrushes
  • Fevicol
  • String

How to Make the Best Out of Waste:

  1. Put the mask on your face and mark your eyes on the plate.
  2. Now paint the plate in yellow and black stripes like tiger skin.
  3. Make ears with the other plate and stick them on the mask.
  4. Similarly, make the nose and mouth of the tiger.
  5. Now make two holes on the side of the plate and tie a string to it.

9. Shoe Box Bird House

Shoe box bird house

What You Need:

  • Shoebox
  • Cardboard
  • Colour papers
  • Scissors
  • Scotch tape
  • Glue

How to Make the Best Out of Waste:

  1. Draw a circle on the lid of your box and cut it out. That’s the door for your birdhouse.
  2. Carefully stick the tape to attach the lid and the box tightly.
  3. Decorate the box with colored papers. Use glue to stick the paper to the box.
  4. Now take a rectangular cardboard and fold it into two to form the roof of the house.
  5. Place the cardboard roof on top and fasten it with the tape.
  6. Finally, add some seeds and wait for your birds.

10. Egg Carton Wreath

Egg carton wreath

What You Need:

  1. Egg cartons
  2. Cereal box/ any cardboard
  3. Craft paint
  4. Paintbrushes
  5. glue
  6. scissors

How to Make the Best Out of Waste:

  1. Cut the lid of the egg carton into the shape of leaves.
  2. Cut the egg cups into the shape of flowers.
  3. Take the cereal box and cut a ring out of it
  4. Paint the flowers and the leaves
  5. Glue the flowers and leaves to the ring, and tadaa! The egg carton wreath is ready.

11. Plate Crabs

Plate crabs

What You Need:

  • Paper plate
  • Red acrylic paint
  • Paintbrush
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Pencil
  • Tape

How to Make the Best Out of Waste:

  1. Cut the paper plate in half and paint it red
  2. Draw the legs and eyes of a crab from an online template or as per your imagination
  3. Cut everything
  4. Stick googly eyes on the eye area 
  5. Now stick all the other parts to complete your plate crab.

12. Jar Lanterns

Jar lanterns

What You Need:

  • Glass jars
  • Acrylic paint
  • Paintbrushes
  • Fairy lights or tea candles
  • Jute rope
  • Glass stones 

How to Make the Best Out of Waste:

  1. Take some glass jars and paint them with desired acrylic colors.
  2. Puncture some holes in the cap and make a jute rope handle
  3. Fill the can with glass stones and add fairy lights to it
  4. Make many such lanterns and decorate your place

13. CD Coasters

CD coasters

What You Need:

  • CD
  • Cardboard
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Fabric

How to Make the Best Out of Waste:

  1. Mark the outer border of the CD on the cardboard and cut them out
  2. Paste them on either side of the CD so centre hole is closed
  3. Paste a cloth on it in a similar manner and your coasters are ready to use.

14. Tyre Planters

Tyre planters

What You Need:

  • Worn out tyre
  • Acrylic paint
  • Soil 
  • Plants
  • Rope

How to Make the Best Out of Waste:

  1. Clean the tyre and paint the exterior with your favourite colour.
  2. Puncture some soles in it and tie it with a rope
  3. Add soil and carefully sow the seeds or plant your sapling 
  4. Hang the planter or just keep it aside and let it shine.

15. Popsicle Bookmarks

Popsicle Bookmarks

What You Need:

  • Popsicle sticks
  • Colour papers 
  • Sketch pens
  • Paintbrush
  • colours

How to Make the Best Out of Waste:

  1. Take a popsicle stick
  2. Use your paintbrush to color it.
  3. Cut the color paper in the shape of an animal face
  4. Use a sketch pen to draw the features.
  5. Stick the cutout and paste it on the popsicle stick.

16. Bottle Cap Chimes

Bottle cap chimes

What You Need:

  • A mason jar lid
  • Few metal bottle caps
  • Thin and thick ropes or strings
  • Acrylic paint
  • Hot glue

How to Make the Best Out of Waste:

  1. Paint all the caps in your desired colors
  2. Use the top of the mason jar and use a thick string to make the handle that hangs the chime. Simply glue two corners of the string to the jar, just like a purse handle.
  3. Now cut some long strings in different sizes and glue the caps on them
  4. Stick the top of the sting to the mason jar cap and your wind chime is done.

17. Soap Bubble Blower

Soap Bubble Blower

What You Need:

  • Thick plastic Straws
  • Glue
  • Scissors
  • Water
  • Shampoo

How to Make the Best Out of Waste:

  1. Take a thick plastic straws and cut it in four equal parts
  2. Do the same with all the other straws
  3. Now glue these together in a shape you want or even a random bunch
  4. Take a complete straw and stick it to the bottom to form the handle of your bubble blower
  5. Finally, mix shampoo and water together, dip your blower in it and enjoy the soap bubbles.

18. Bangle Stand

Bangle Stand

What You Need:

  • Thick cardboard
  • Cardboard pipes
  • Decorative paper
  • Scissors
  • Ruler
  • pen
  • Cutter
  • Adhesive

How to Make the Best Out of Waste:

  1. Take two square cardboards of equal length 
  2. Cut both of these diagonally 8-10 centimetres away from the centre
  3. Mark three major arcs (more than a circle) on the diagonal side of the board
  4. Now cut these out. Stick a decorative paper on the sides of both the cardboards
  5. Take a third square cardboard with similar measurements as that of the above two.
  6. Cover it too in the decorative paper and stick the previous two cutouts on its opposite edges
  7. Wrap the pipes in colour paper and place them on the arcs in the stand. You have got your bangle stand.

19. Phone Charging Hanger

phone charging hanger

What You Need:

  • Empty baby shampoo bottle or any bottle with a wide body
  • Scissors
  • Marker pen
  • A piece of fabric enough to cover the bottle
  • Glue

How to Make the Best Out of Waste:

  1. Take the empty bottle and rinse it thoroughly so it's completely clean
  2. Cut the top of the bottle. Now in the remaining part cut the front part of the bottle half way down.
  3. Carefully cut a circle at the back of the holder so you can hang it on your charger
  4. Now measure the fabric and wrap your holder completely in it. The holder is ready. You don’t have to worry about finding a platform for charging your phone anymore!

20. Newspaper Wallets

Newspaper wallets

What You Need:

  • Newspaper
  • Scissors

How to Make the Best Out of Waste:

  1. Cut the paper into a rectangle of 8.5 ✕ 11 centimetres and fold it in half
  2. Open the sheet and fold the two sides into the middle so now the sheet is divided into four equal parts
  3. Vertically fold the paper in half and crease it. Open the sheet and mark 2 cm lines on the crease of both sides and cut them.
  4. In one of the edges draw two lines, 0.5 cm away from the centre, till the first crease line and cut them. Now tape them together while maintaining the cut of 1 cm.
  5. Now crease the wallet and fold the flaps to complete your wallet.

21. Coconut Bowls

Coconut Bowls

What You Need:

  • Coconut shells
  • Sandpaper
  • Food-safe oil to waterproof the bowl
  • A brush

How to Make the Best Out of Waste:

  1.  Once you have the coconut shells that are cut in halves use sandpaper to smoothen the surface
  2. Make sure to smoothen out the edges
  3. Lake some oil and brush it on the entire bowl. Inside as well as outside.
  4. Let it dry and then brush it again. Repeat the step 4-5 times so your bowl is completely safe.

22. Sweet Box Gift Tray

Sweet box gift tray

What You Need:

  • Sweet box
  • Cardboard
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Decorative papers
  • Craft glasses, beads, and laces.

How to Make the Best Out of Waste:

  1. Take the sweet box and wrap it in decorative paper.
  2. Cut the handles from cardboard and stick them on either side of the box.
  3. Use glasses, colours, beads and laces to decorate your tray.
  4. Place your gift inside the tray and give it to your loved ones.

23. Spinning Toys With a CD

Spinning Toys With a CD

What You Need:

  • CD
  • Thick thread

How to Make the Best Out of Waste:

  1. Make two parallel holes in the inner circle of a CD
  2. Take a thick thread and pass it through the holes
  3. Now fasten the open ends of the thread with a knot on the top
  4. Spin the CD and enjoy your new toy.

24. The Tennis Ball Holder

The tennis ball holder

What You Need:

  • Tennis ball
  • Scissors
  • Suction hook
  • Marker pen

How to Make the Best Out of Waste:

  1. Grab your tennis ball and mark two eyes on it 
  2. For the mouth, cut a slit in the ball with your pair of scissors
  3. Make a small hole to insert the hook of suction hook in it
  4. Stick it on the wall and place your keys in the mouth of the ball.

25. Piggy Bank

Piggy bank

What You Need:

  • A plastic bottle
  • Glue
  • Colour paper
  • Sketch pen 
  • Scissors

How to Make the Best Out of Waste:

  1. Take you plastic bottle and make a slit big enough for your money to pass through it
  2. Cover the front half  and one-fourth of the back half with pink coloured paper
  3. Now use sketch pens to draw the face, eyes, nose and ears of the pig.

26. Newspaper Garland Decoration

Newspaper garland decoration

What You Need:

  • Newspaper
  • Glue
  • Thread or strings

How to Make the Best Out of Waste:

  1. Take some old newspapers and cut them into numerous circles, diamonds, squares, or triangles.
  2. Glue these cutouts to a thread and use them for your party decorations.
  3. You can make use of any shape or go for some colored or decorative waste papers.

27. Button Ornaments

Button ornaments

What You Need:

  • Thread
  • Buttons
  • Beads
  • Hooks

How to Make the Best Out of Waste:

  1. Use a thread and start arranging buttons in a colour pattern
  2. You can make bracelets, necklaces and even earnings with buttons.
  3. Fasten the ends with a hook to complete your necklace or bracelet
  4. For making stud earrings simply stick earring flat backs to the back of buttons and you’re good to go.

28. Dollhouse Chairs From Matchbox

Dollhouse chairs from matchbox

What You Need:

  • Matchboxes
  • Colour paper
  • Glue

How to Make the Best Out of Waste:

  1. Take four matchboxes and wrap them in colored papers.
  2. Take a box and on the either side of it glue two more boxes as to form sides of the chair
  3. Now use the last box to create the backrest and your dollhouse chairs are ready.

29. Earthen Pot Planters

Earthen pot planters

What You Need:

  • Earthen pitcher (matka)
  • Paints (acrylic or spray)
  • Soil
  • Seeds

How to Make the Best Out of Waste:

  1. Take a pot which can no more kill off the summer heat and keep your water cool
  2. Use acrylic or spray paints to paint it the way your heart wants
  3. Let it dry completely and then add soil and seeds to grow a plant

30. Shoebox Maze

Shoebox maze

What You Need:

  • Shoebox
  • Straws
  • Glue
  • Marble stones
  • Colour paper
  • Marker pen

How to Make the Best Out of Waste:

  1. Use a shoebox and mark start and end of the maze
  2. Mark your maze with the pen
  3. Glue straws on the same to make your maze
  4. Place a marble where you marked the start of your maze and start playing.


30 ideas for 30 different days. Well, what I mentioned was just the idea. Let your children make all sorts of changes they want. Let their imagination run and create everything with a personal touch. Reuse your waste, save the environment and have fun creating these crafts with your children.

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