Top 5 Challenges in Primary Education in India

In India major challenges in education sector lies in the rural areas. Still Indian rural areas don’t get the high quality primary education and they lack many further opportunities.

After 60 years of independence still the quality of Indian education is not changed. 70% of Indians stay in rural areas and are still unaware about the importance of the education. India has lower literacy rate than the other countries.

According to Annual Status of Education Report (ASER) 2012 only half of the children of class fifth can read the text of class second.

According to census 2011 India’s literacy level has reached 74.04% in past 10 years.

Here are some of the Top 5 Challenges in Primary Education in India

Inadequate inputs:

The biggest challenge Indian Schools is facing of inadequate inputs. In most of the states, there is a shortage of quality teachers. Even the teacher are lacking for the professional training programs. If the teachers are properly trained then they can help students also.

The less qualified teachers affect the level of teaching. Teaching profession in India is less attracted, either people with less education, living below poverty line or some having it as a hobby take the teaching profession.

The demand for teachers is more and the supply less. Still many schools face the problem of lack of infrastructure. Even today Indian schools are not maintaining the standard of education.

Teacher comes to class, teaches student the curriculum, the bright students are able to understand the subject. But what about the students who just comes to school and pick up the teachers level of teaching.

They remain back and continue twice or thrice or leave the school forever. The rate of dropout students is also high they leave the school before completing their primary education. School should take some initiatives for the students who require extra help.

Higher Education cost

Some parent can’t afford the school education fees even if they are living in the remote area or in city. 70% Indians live in rural areas and find it difficult to afford the education fees. Many Indians are living below the poverty line.

Quality of Education

All over India the quality of primary education is not maintained. There is lack of discipline, punctuality and motivation in primary education.

Students don’t get proper & complete education from schools so parents opt for the private tuition and this puts more pressure on the students.

Students in fourth grade are hardly able to read the paragraph and they are not up to their school level.

Literacy Rate

In India every state has different languages, different customs and different culture. In some societies education for the women is not considered as an important.

This keeps the children also away from the benefits of education. If the mother is educated definitely the children also gets the proper education. Children get less motivation from the illiterate parents and they remain back.

People living below the poverty line take their children to their work place so that they can earn daily wages for their parents. Indian schools should start some initiatives to teach the illiterate adults also.

Language issue

There are 1500 languages in India and it’s a difficult task for a teacher to teach every student in their own language. In urban areas parents prefer English medium for their children’s education, also now a days in remote areas English medium is preferred.

This is big challenge for the teachers to teach and to students to grasp the knowledge. Due to this the parents and children’s fail to understand.

Many Educational Instructors think that if an education is given in mother tongue to every student it benefits the students.

To achieve complete literacy in India government should take some more initiative. Government should generate more awareness among people about the importance of education. Then only India will have a different face.

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