10 Common Digital Marketing Interview Questions with Best Answers

digital marketing questions and answers

Any fresher or experienced candidate would worry about digital marketing interview questions when applying for jobs. Hence, we provide some insights into what questions you may expect.

Regardless of whether you are fresher or have the experience, a prospective employer would definitely have a set of digital marketing interview questions ready to test your knowledge and skills.

To give these insights, we spoke with several key officials that conduct interviews for digital marketers. We also took feedback from applicants about the nature of the questions they encountered during an interview.

Hence, this compilation of digital marketing interview questions with the best answers may prove useful to win you that digital marketing job you want.

Also Read: How to choose a Digital Marketing Training Course

10 Common Digital Marketing Interview Questions and Answers

digital marketing questions and answers

Question 1: What is your understanding of the term ‘Digital Marketing’?

Answer: Digital Marketing is the process of reaching potential and existing customers through digital channels. Like traditional marketing practices, digital marketing can include both organic as well as paid activities.

In this digital era, no business can choose to ignore their online presence and therefore almost all the businesses are taking their digital presence very seriously. Digital marketing is simply selling the product and services of these companies on the online platform.

Question 2: What are the techniques involved in Digital Marketing?

Answer: Digital marketing mainly makes use of channels such as search engine, social networks, brand websites, and content platforms such as blogs.

Therefore the required techniques that focus on optimising business presence in these channels are important.

Some of such techniques include;

  • Social Media Marketing (SMM)
  • Email Campaign
  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM)
  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Content Marketing via Blogs
  • Landing page optimization

Question 3: How do you categorize digital marketing?

Answer: Digital marketing can be broadly categorised into two segments namely; Inbound Marketing and Outbound Marketing.

  • Inbound Marketing- Inbound marketing involves creating strategies to attract new customers and retain existing ones by making use of Social Media Marketing, SEO, and Branding. Inbound marketing technique majorly works by building trust with the customer. Social media, blogs, webinars, e-books are some of the mediums used by the digital marketer to provide information and create awareness about the product and services offered.
  • Outbound marketing– In outbound marketing, the product/service is promoted through various digital channels. Telemarketing, cold calling direct e-mails, promoting a product via TV or radio are some the ways in outbound marketing.

Question 4: What is the difference between branding and direct marketing?

Answer: Branding is not a direct sale pitch. It involves building a positive image of the product through various branding activities. Mostly branding is done by engagement-oriented and storytelling approach.

While doing branding it is important to research make a marketing plan that serves the key objective of the business.

Direct marketing, on the other hand, involves direct communication with the customers to convince them to make a purchase decision.

Answer: Digital marketing is evolving faster in comparison to any other aspect of the business but unfortunately one cannot be aware of the latest trends in digital marketing just by following a single source for information.

Therefore, I rely on various sources for the latest trends in digital marketing.

(Here the interviewee must talk about what all he/she refers to. Make sure that you talk only about the sources you are aware of, or else follow-up questions can get you in trouble. We have listed some of the sources that surely help to catch up with the latest digital marketing trends)

  • Keep a tab on the latest updates from Google.
  • Follow relevant blogs like the ones by WordStream, Neil Patel and Larry Kim.
  • Latest Webinars and Podcasts related to digital marketing.
  • Frequent discussions about the latest digital marketing trends with my colleagues also give great insight.

Question 6: Can you name some of the Digital Marketing tools?

Answer: There are various digital marketing tools available on the web ranging from SEO tools, keyword tools, analytical tools to content idea generation tools. Selection of the tool depends on the digital marketing technique that is being focused on.

Some of the useful digital marketing tools include; Google analytics, Google keyword planner, MOZ, Rankwatch, XML sitemap generator, Favicon Generator and SumoMe are some of the tools for digital marketing.

Question 7: How do you see the future of Digital marketing in India? Will it completely replace the traditional ways of marketing the product and services?

Answer: A simple fact that India has a growing population of tech-savvy internet users gives us a glimpse of the future of digital marketing in India. The need for digital marketing for businesses is increasing in India with the increasing number of internet users on a daily basis.

Though in the Indian context it seems highly unlikely that digital marketing will completely take over the traditional ways of marketing the products but digital marketing is surely the future.

Question 8:  What is the role of SEO in digital marketing?

Answer: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) increases the rank and visibility of the page in search engines, help in easy crawling and indexing of the web pages. Good SEO gives online businesses an opportunity for free advertising as well.

As a digital marketing technique SEO helps your customers to find out your business from amongst the thousands of your competitors that have an online presence.

Question 9: How must be the keywords used to optimize website ranking?

Answer: Using the right keyword at the right place can make a huge difference in the website’s ranking. First, it is important to identify the right keyword. One can use Google keyword planner, Ahrefs and google trends to identify the primary and the secondary keywords.

Primary keywords being the most important and the secondary keyword will be like a supporting keyword. This is an important task because a wrong keyword can put all the efforts in vain.

After identifying the keywords, they must be used in the following places;

  • Main keyword in Title.
  • Combination of main secondary keywords in the meta description.
  • Proper keywords in meta tags.
  • Proper keywords in headings as per hierarchy

Question 10:  According to you what are the key skills that a digital marketer must have?

Answer: A successful digital marketer must have creative and analytical skills. These skills are required to design creative marketing campaigns and assess what is working and what is failing to contribute to the campaigns.

  • To be an expert digital marketer the person must have a fair knowledge about social media algorithms and basic HTML.
  • Good copywriting skills are a great bonus when it comes to a digital marketer. Writing sales copy and writing keyword rich content are some of the integral parts in digital marketing.
  • Another important quality that a digital marketer must possess is the willingness to experiment and try new trends.

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