How to Prepare for Written Test for Sarkari Naukri

In India, getting a Sarkari Naukri is still a dream for many. However, to make that dream come true, you have to prepare yourself for the written test.

written test sarkari naukri

Many candidates are shortlisted in a written test for a particular government job entry. If you want to be among the candidates who will successfully clear the written test then read this full article.

You will come to know how you will be preparing for the written test for a Sarkari Naukri.

Usually written test for a government job has two parts. First is an objective-type question and second is subjective type question.

Objective or Multiple-Choice Questions

Normally Multiple Choice Questions are of two types. In first kind is very common, you have to choose correct answer from 4 options. Second type is where you have to fill the blank with a statement.

Usually in a written test for a Sarkari Naukri you will get only multiple choice questions.

So here are the tips to prepare for MCQ:

  1. Once you get the test booklet in the examination hall first thing that you need to do is to start revising it.
  2. Next thing you have to do is open it & start solving those question which you thing you can do it.
  3. You must know that the time to solve one question in MCQ is less than 1 minute. So it’s very important to realize the importance of time.
  4. Questions which you think you cannot solve must be attempted at last. Never do a mistake of solving them in the beginning.
  5. You should not allow your ego to come your way. It means if you are not able to solve a problem in first few minutes then leave it and move forward. You mind should not say I am not going to move forward unless I solve this particular problem.
  6. If you do not know a question then do not attempt, leave it blank. It is because if your answer is wrong then you will lose overall score. Now every MCQ examination has negative marking.
  7. In the end, if there is spare time left then you could revise your questions that you answered. Normally, you do not get spare time left.
  8. Everything depends upon your preparation before the exam. You can expect miracles to happen in just 3 hours. So prepare in advance.

Usually, an exam for government job has two parts first one is MCQ and next one is Subjective Type Questions.

Not all government jobs conduct subjective type questions exams but civil services and other jobs do conduct it.

So the tips for successful completion of subjective type question paper.

  1. First thing, you need to know here there are no choices that you have to choose from. The answer is to be written in long format.
  2. Start reading all of the question paper as soon as you get it. After reading it mark those questions that you think you can answer in minutes.
  3. Similarly, questions that you feel are difficult for you leave them to solve later.
  4. No guess work here, if do not know then simply you cannot answer it because there are not any 4 answers to choose from.
  5. Subjective papers are very lengthy, so for preparation you have to practice a lot. Normally, questions that are asked are very new and known earlier.
  6. Develop great analytical and problem solving skills. You need to know certain problem solving tricks before you sit for this exam. Formulas and equations are very important to know.
  7. Again same rule applies here, answer those questions first which you think you can solve it. Attempt questions that you do not know later.
  8. Finally here revision is very important. You can afford to miss it in MCQ but here you have to revise because you might find mistakes here and there.
  9. Choosing right course material is very important. Practice as much as you can because all the questions that you are going to get is new and unknown to you. Do leave anything for the last moment. Remember guess work does not work here.

Therefore these were certain tips and strategies for clearing written exams in order to get a government job.

First clear the MCQ style paper then if you are through with it you have to go for subjective type question paper.

However, before you take up these papers you need to get into examination hall and overcome the fear and nervousness.

Here are some tips to do that.

  1. Arrive early to the examination centre. It is better to avoid last minute hurry.
  2. Avoid talking to your friends while you have arrived at the examination place. There are fellows who never take examination seriously. So you should not talk to them because it could divert your mind.
  3. Try to have a positive mindset and do now allow negative thoughts to come inside your mind.
  4. While you have entered the examination hall, do not talk to answer just look at your question paper and read it twice.
  5. See to it that your question paper has all the pages are bound together. Sometime it happens that one or two papers are missing. So make sure every paper is intact.
  6. If a guy sitting behind you asking for some help then do not pay attention to him. Only concentrate on solving your examination paper.
  7. Answer all the questions and before submitting it to the invigilator you need to revise if something you missed.
  8. After finishing the paper come out of the hall and go back home and try to find out the questions you answered are right or wrong.

These were tips for successfully clearing the written exams in both forms objective as well as subjective type.

Moreover, you need to know how to keep your head up while you are entering the examination hall.

If you follow these tips then you could clear the written exams and get a Sarkari Naukri .

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