Why We Should Support Reservation in India -Government Jobs
Reservations in India have always remained a highly emotive subject. its a reserved system and backed by the Indian Constitution for caste-like SC/ST/OBC in government jobs
Let me begin with this direct question to all of you. What do you know about reservation in India – government jobs?
Well! I hope you have seen the Bollywood movie Arakshan released this year. The movie very well portrayed the diverse opinion in the country about reservations in various Sarkari Naukri.
Opinion in the country is very much divided on this issue. Some reservation support, and some do not.
However, the government of India supports reservation in government jobs by law stated in the constitution.
Then who is right and who is wrong. Well! The debate can go on.
But in my opinion, we should support reservations in Sarkari Naukri. I can justify my statement with logical arguments.
Who Needs Reservation in India?
Unfortunately, in India, it is a reality that 50% of its population still lives on $2 per day. They do not have the economic means to live a life in urban cities.
Moreover, there is a social reality that India is very much a hierarchical society. In simple terms, the upper caste always dominates the lower caste people, especially in rural India.
These lower caste people, formerly called untouchables, are from the bottom of the pyramid. They are most vulnerable in society and have barely any means to come up in their lives.
This is a reality whether we like it or not.
Their number is more than 200 million out of 1.2 billion. Hence, how can we oppress such a large number of people?
Why should we Support Reservations?
In brief, I would only say if you know the social reality of India, then you have to support reservation. There is no other option.
Therefore, “I say yes, we should support reservation.”
When I say “we,” it means the younger generation who has no understanding of social reality in the country.
Anyone who says reservation is terrible or compromises merit is untouched, unaware, and even insensitive to the people who need reservation in the central government job.
Reservation is the minor thing that we can do for them.
Here are some points why we should support reservation:
1. A Level Playing Field in the Society
Those against reservation in Sarkari Naukri usually argue that reservation comprises the candidate's merit. But this argument only applies to a society with a level playing field.
A level playing field means a society where every individual has equal opportunity to rise higher in their life. But here in India, there is no level playing field because around 200 million have been oppressed for centuries.
Hence government has to protect them and give reservations in various government jobs. Later in the future, when there is a level playing in society, we can abolish reservation.
But for now, we are nowhere near becoming a society that treats everyone equally.
It is a bitter truth.
2. It’s Their Legitimate Right
It is not about us giving anything to them; it is more about their fundamental right. Reservation is their legitimate right; it is even morally correct.
How come over 200 million people, such a large population, can be kept in slavery for centuries.
How come a democratic country like India has failed to eradicate social evils like the caste reservation system in India? Hence it becomes their legitimate right to ask for reservation in a Sarkari Naukri.
Even the government of India cannot back off, and they have to give reservations whether anyone likes it or not.
3. It’s Constitutional Right
Moreover, it is their constitutional right also. Our constitution guarantees that every citizen in the country has equal rights in society.
They have equal opportunity to prosper in their life like any other individuals in the same society. But on the ground, things are different.
Still, people from lower caste cannot get the social respect that our constitution guarantees for them. Hence we need more political will to bring these 200 million into the mainstream.
And it is our responsibility as the young generation to know about these social realities and help our government.
Hence reservation in a Sarkari Naukri is given to them, right under the constitution.
4. It’s an International Obligation Also
India is a member of the United Nations, and as a member, we must eradicate this form of modern-day slavery from the country.
On the human development index chart, India’s record is very poor, and we still have a lot of people living in subhuman conditions.
It gives a wrong impression about the country when someone from outside visits. Therefore, India must fulfill its obligation and remove this social evil in the next decade.
Indian government thinks one of the solutions to meet this challenge could be giving more reservations. And I support the government, at least on this issue.
5. Social Responsibility
Above all, it is our social responsibility to help people from the bottom of the pyramid. It is not right to leave everything upon the government.
Yes! The government has to do its part, but we as citizens also have some duty. I am not telling you to give money to them from your pocket.
I am just saying that you should be aware of this issue and support reservations for poor people in government jobs.
Especially people who are against reservation must understand that reservation can help them rise up.
6. Economic Empowerment of Individuals
Moreover, apart from their fundamental right, we should support reservation for the economic empowerment of individuals from this section of society.
If we can support them with reservation in a Sarkari Naukri, we are directly pulling them out of poverty, which is good for them because now they can earn for themselves and feed their family.
Moreover, it will also enable them to send their children to school to prosper in the coming future. Therefore, it brings out an entire family out of the grip of poverty.
Hence, we should support reservations in government jobs.
7. Boom in Indian Economy
Imagine, if we pull out every 200 million individual who needs reservation out of poverty, India will become one of the world's largest economies.
If we support reservations in Sarkari Naukri only for people who need them, we are helping our economy boom and expand.
It will benefit the country's entire population to become more prosperous with more disposable income.
8. Preventing Political Fallout
Now comes the warning shot! If you do not support reservation in government jobs, there will be severe political consequences.
If 200 million people are kept deliberately in poverty for too long, they will be out on the streets.
Political groups representing this section of society may even start violent agitation against the government.
Politically, it will affect the country, but it will be for good. However, we should start supporting reservations even more vehemently.
9. Preventing Social Unrest in the Country
I will continue from my last point. If we are not standing up for more reservations for poor people, it may also lead to social unrest in the country.
We are already seeing it in the form of Naxalism in the country. It may even escalate. The root cause of Naxalism is the social disparity and hierarchical nature of Indian society.
Before it's too late, let us all stand for reservation in Sarkari Naukri.
10. I Support Reservation Even in Private Sector
The private sector in India has resisted reservation in their companies, arguing that reservation comprises merit.
I'm afraid I have to disagree with this argument. It is their social responsibility because India can only eradicate poverty if the government and private sector work hand in hand.
We cannot leave everything to the government.
Is Reservation the Only Option?
Finally, I would say only reservation is not the option. Thinking that only reservation in Sarkari Naukri will eradicate poverty in India is over-exaggeration.
The government needs to spend more on education & health, especially primary education and maternal health. It also has to create an ecosystem where a poor background can climb the ladder upwards.
For this, the government needs political will, and we as citizens can surely help the government by supporting reservations in government jobs.
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