10 Useful Tips for Work at Home Moms

As you know there are various ways to make money working from home. Young students, housewives, retirees all kinds of people can make money working from home. Earning from home can be the easiest way to make money because you do not have to work under the boss and no need to commute for long hours.

However for one group working from home can be challenging, that group is stay at home moms. Moms have to juggle a lot. They need to take care of family and kids while working from home.

So we decided to write an article helping moms to do their jobs more effectively.


1. Time Management – Create a Timetable

First and foremost thing that moms have to do is to create a timetable. Scheduling helps you dividing your time so that you can do your job more efficiently. You have to dedicate few hours for your work daily. It can be 3 to 4 hours.

You must try your best to finish all your work within this allotted time. Rest of the day you can do your daily chores, take care of your children and other necessary social activities.

Creating a timetable will help you not mixing your work with other activities like running errands or breastfeeding your child. Create a time table and try to implement it so you can manage your work and other activities both.

2. Multitasking is Must

Multitasking should be the first point. Although this is not a tip but an attribute that every working mom must have. Everyone acknowledges that women are great at multitasking.

Working and taking care of your family at the same time is not an easy task. You have to run errands, feed your kids and work for 4 to 5 hours daily. You can’t do all of this unless you are a great multi-tasker.

You must acquire this attribute otherwise, you can’t be a successful work at home mom. Without multitasking, you have to give up either of these two, family or work.

So to manage family and work simultaneously multitasking is a must.

3. Creating a Conducive Work Environment

This would be your second challenge after creating a time table. You really can’t work and make money if your work environment is not conducive.

What I mean to say is if you are doing your work half-heartedly then you are not going to succeed as a work at home mom. You need an environment where you can give an undivided attention to your work. There are no other distractions like crying baby or running errands.

Not just moms but most of the people who decide to work from home face this problem. Developing a work culture where you can work continuously without being disturbed is very important.

Working from home is not like working in an office where the environment is absolutely different.

4. Organizing Your Home Office

This tip is an extension of previous one. For developing a productive work culture and environment it is very important to have a separate office in your home. Your office is the sacred place and nobody should be allowed inside it.

Organize all your files and folders in alphabetical order or according to the priority which one has to be finished first. You also need to buy all the necessary furniture and computer with internet.

Your home office also protects you from other distractions like crying baby, visiting friends & neighbors even your spouse. It is necessary to have a separate home office because you can’t work in your living room if you are serious about your home job.

5. Hiring Help is Very Important

Although hiring a help is optional. But it can’t be optional anymore if you are running a business which generates decent revenue every month. You have to take your job more seriously and for doing that you need a help.

You can hire people like a secretary or an office boy who can do basic housekeeping. The number of people who are going to hire will depend upon the size of business you are running.

You might be thinking how you can hire someone because the person has to work from your home. You do not want them to know your personal life. Well you have to hire someone who is close to you like a person mentioned by your friend or relative.

6. Always Make Best Use of Latest Technologies

If you want to juggle between your work and other activities then you have to keep abreast with all the latest technologies. If your work hour is for 4 hours a day then you can’t spend 2 to 3 hours just reading emails. You have to prioritize all your tasks so that you can finish it without wasting any time.

You must be familiar with various apps and other software that can help you streamline your daily work.

For example, you can use Evernote to remember all your tasks at one place. It will help you to save a lot of time in a given day. There are other apps also which can help you strategizing your work on daily basis.

7. Stay Connected with Network of People in Your Industry

Networking is very important. There are other moms just like you who also work from home. You need to stay in touch with them. Experienced moms who are already in this line for a long time now can guide you and give tips to manage your work and home simultaneously.

There are many successful stays at home moms. You can get an inspiration from them and further your own career. If you get to know other successful moms then you will get confidence that even you can excel just like them.

So use Facebook, Twitter or other social media platforms to network and staying connected with other like-minded people.

8. Do Not Compromise on Weekends

Work is very important but you can’t ignore your family. You do not have to ignore your kids and family. If you are giving your best on weekdays then you can take some time off for the weekends.

I always suggest you work hard on weekdays and party at weekends. However, if you are a new work at home mom then you might have to work weekends also. But as you gain experience weekdays will be enough for you. For weekends you can take some time off.

Do not compromise your family for money.

9. A Reliable Childcare

This should be your last option. If you can’t multitask between taking care of your kid and the job then it is better to look out for a reliable childcare. You can drop your kid at the daycare for 4 to 5 hours so that you can work without getting disturbed.

If you do not want your kid to send away then you can hire a help in your home. You can hire a nanny who will come to your home and take care of your child.

There is nothing wrong in hiring help if you can’t take it.

10. Smart Work and Not Hard Work

The last but very important tip is smart work and not hard work. Most of the work-at-home moms are into internet jobs. Internet jobs are more about smart work and not hard work.

So moms have to pay attention understanding the nature of the work and the latest technology. You are going to make more money working smartly. Just hard work is not enough.

You have to stay updated and willing to learn something new every day. Keep an open mind and be ready to learn more.

So these were 10 tips for stay at home moms.

Initially, you might find difficult to juggle between home and work but with some experience, you can definitely do it.

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