How to Get Scholarship to Study Abroad in 2024

Learn here the various types of scholarships available and how to apply for the right scholarship to get 100% funds to study abroad. Explore all the steps you need to get a scholarship to study abroad and turn your dreams into reality!
How to Get Scholarship to Study Abroad in 2024
How to Get Scholarship to Study Abroad in 2024

Scholarships and grants are a great financial relief. Some of them are like your sponsors bearing the entire tuition and living costs. If not living costs, you can certainly enjoy a discount on your tuition fees. 

You’ll have to make an effort while applying, but the reward feels like a soothing dessert.

You know you’re intelligent, and you deserve the scholarship to study abroad. So, work your best, get the grades and enjoy your dream of studying abroad.

Money will be taken care of by the donors and scholarship providers. This article will help you arrange the funds you need without having to repay them.

Let me give you a brief idea of what you’ll come across. Firstly, You will know the major types of scholarships that are available.

Secondly, there are sources where you can search for them, and finally, I’ve jotted down the steps you’ll go through in your scholarship endeavor.

Read also: 10 Best Ways to Study Abroad for Free

Types of Scholarships

Types of Scholarships

If you are passionate about your studies, money shouldn’t be a barrier. There are various types and criteria in scholarships available to help you achieve your dream.  The most well-known scholarships are university grants.

These are given by the schools you are taking admission to. Apart from this, private organizations, individuals, philanthropic groups, and governments sponsor scholarships for you to study abroad.

There are many types, out of which the following four are the most popular: 

1. Academic scholarships: Academic scholarships are generously granted to meritorious students. If your report card boasts good grades, you can easily qualify for funds. Academic scholarships are granted by the government, the school you’re applying to, or even individuals. There are many full-ride scholarships that cover the majority cost of college for four years. The amount of assistance you get depends on your grades and scholarship interviews.

2. Identity-based scholarships: Identity-based scholarships are special grants for students belonging to underrepresented groups. These groups include the LGBTQ+ community, women, Ethnic minorities, racial minorities, differently-abled people, and others. You will also need a certain GPA or SAT score to qualify for these grants.

3. Needs-based scholarships: Needs-based scholarships consider students' financial backgrounds and grades. They are granted based on your financial need. If an individual's family income is below a specified level, they are eligible for it. Some requirements, like your GPA scores and other achievements, often accompany these scholarships. 

4. Athletic scholarships: Athletic scholarships are grants provided to students who excel in sports. It requires you to prove your dedication and achievements. You have a high probability of qualifying for the grant if you’ve played at national championships, inter-university tournaments, or national school games. Just like other financial aid, you’ll also need minimum GPA scores, leadership skills, and other achievements. 

How to Find the Scholarships To Study Abroad

The real work begins with finding yourself a scholarship to apply for. It's time to research a grant that's perfect for your achievements. There are multiple sources to extract that information. 

1. Official Website of the Institute

how can i get scholarship to study abroad

This is the most reliable source for your scholarship hunt. Once you get your conditional letter, you can start applying.

Your school or college website usually has a section that lists requirements and the grant amount it offers. If there's nothing for you over there, you can head to other sources on the internet. 

College grants can cover upto 25, 50, or even 100 percent of your education costs. You'll also find other forms of assistance, such as student exchange programs, Graduate research assistantships, university fellowships, and other financial support.

2. Scholarship Assistance Websites

Scholarship Assistance Websites

If your university website can’t fetch you a bursary, you can take the help of other resources. There are various scholarship finders and NGOs which are dedicated to making your educational trip easier.

Here are a few sites to help you fetch the correct information and look for the financial aid you need:

  • – Founded in 1998, it helps students find college funds. It has about 19 billion dollars in financial aid and over 3.7 million scholarships and grants. It lets you search for the proper grants, the latest college updates, and information for free.
  • ScholarshipPortal.comOn this website, you can search for scholarships in countries like the USA, Germany, the U.K., Netherlands, Canada, India, Finland, Australia, Spain, etc. You can search for and compare different university scholarships worldwide. It shows you the scholarship name, grant amount, and application deadlines. 
  • CIEECIEE stands for council on International educational exchange. It began its operations in 1947. They are a non-profit study abroad and intercultural exchange organization. CIEE offers 8 million dollars in scholarships and grants annually.

3. Government Websites

Government Websites

Every country has its official website to assist international students. This is because the country wants them. It helps them in developing their workforce and attracting FDI.

These government-funded scholarships are usually very generous and definitely something you should dig more into. 

Here are the links to the most popular study-abroad destinations

  1. Official site of the U.S.A
  2. Official site of the U.K
  3. Official site of Germany
  4. Official site of Canada
  5. Official site of France
  6. Official site of Denmark
  7. Official site of Sweden 
  8. Official site of the Netherlands
  9. Official EU scholarship page

4. Private organizations

Private organizations

If the university site and government scholarships don’t work for you, look for private organizations to apply to.

Business leaders, philanthropic groups, Individuals who fund education, private organizations, corporations, and civic groups can fund your education aid. 

Here are a few groups and sites you can look into:

  1. Coca-cola Scholars Foundation 404
  2. Amoco scholarships
  3. Chrysler Corporation
  4. Rotary International
  5. Tata trusts  
  6. Friends and relatives

If none works, you always have your friends and relatives to help you. If not with money, they can definitely provide you with some information. In India, we have the power to socialize and thus can make good contacts.

Talk to people who’ve studied abroad or are still studying there. They can help you look for the right scholarships and research better.

How to Get Scholarship to Study Abroad

Step 1: Research

how to apply for scholarship to study abroad

I cannot emphasize enough how important it is that you do your research. Find multiple sources from which you can get a scholarship. You can even get funding from more than one grant to cover the maximum amount of your costs.

Go for online and offline sources like consultants, relatives, donors, etc., to pool the required sum.

Step 2: Keep Applying 

how to apply for scholarship to study abroad

Apply, apply and apply to as many scholarships as you can. The more you apply, the more you get. Every institution or organization has its own requirements and methods of application. 

You’ll have to submit different documents and complete various tasks each time. 

These are the usually required documents:

  • Essay – Essays are a vital part of your application process. With this, your fund providers get the gist of your personality, goals, and ideas. The skill here is to load that limited space with quality information.
  • LOR- This is an abbreviation for the “Letters Of Recommendation.” So, these are the letters given by your teacher, mentor, employer, etc. they give your college an idea of what you are as a person beyond the report card. They don’t just highlight achievements but also state your character.
  • Transcripts – Transcripts are a record of your academic accomplishments in high school. It is also referred to as your mark sheet, mark list, or report card. You can get them online from the university website or collect them through offline sources.
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) – Your CV will make a powerful impact. Make sure you update it with all you have achieved to date. 

Step 3: Proofread your Documents Before Sending Them

how to get scholarship to study abroad

Proofreading involves checking your documents for missing punctuation, words, spelling errors, etc. That final check is very much needed. Ensure that you look out for the errors and get rid of them.

Step 4: Submit the Acceptance Letter from Your College

submit acceptance letter

Once your admission is confirmed, you receive an acceptance letter from your college. The same is to be submitted to your scholarship provider. This confirms to the provider that you will study at a particular university.

Step 5: Wait for Your Results

wait for results

Patiently wait for the results and see if you got the scholarship. Chances are sleek that you’ll be selected for the first scholarship you’ve applied to. So, it's okay if you’re not chosen. The competition for grants covering tuition and living expenses is fierce.

Don’t rely solely upon them. Try to bag funds from multiple scholarships so you can at least reduce your education costs.

Final Words

I hope this article has made your scholarship search easier. Keep researching, applying, and trying until you get what you want. The lists I have provided are not exhaustive.

There are tons of other sources you can benefit from. So, explore as much as you can and get going. Best of luck!

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