According to various news reports, the CA Inter results are expected to be released today, July 21, 2022, by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). These results are for CA Inter exams held by the ICAI in May 2022, according to a statement issued in Mumbai by ICAI.
Students that’ve appeared for this exam, can check their CA Inter results online, the ICAI statement adds. However, the apex body of Chartered Accountants hasn’t announced the time or schedule for releasing these results, various news websites indicate.
These results will be published online on the ICAI official portal, www.icai.nic.in. To access these results, candidates have to login to this portal using their exam roll number and personal identification number or PIN. They can also login using their enrollment number with ICAI and the password.
Additionally, these results will also be available on icaiexams.icai.org and caresults.icai.org, according to the ICAI statement. The Merit List of CA Inter exams will also be announced today, May 21, 2022, according to the ICAI statement.
According to various sources, a total of 180,605 students appeared for the Group-A- Exam for CA Inter this year and 63,777 for Group B. Both these results are likely to be published today, according to news websites.