25 Best Hard Work Quotes to Feel Motivated and Focused

hard work quotes

There are several times when I strongly feel that my efforts are leading nowhere. And this can be quite demotivating. Maybe you experience such situations too. One of the things I do to overcome such problems is reading appropriate quotes. Among these are hard work quotes.

They help me regain confidence and resume working towards fulfilling my set goals. Should you also encounter such scenarios, I strongly recommend that you read some excellent quotes on hard work. There’re countless such quotes available on the Internet.

However, I’ll make your job easy and list some of my favorite hard work quotes for your reference.

hard work quotes

Why Use Quotes?

There’s one main reason I suggest you read these hard work quotes: they’re packed with wisdom. Quotes are popular since ancient times.

They’ve not lost their significance over the centuries. And we have quotes from modern-day leaders too such as billionaires and celebrities.

If we examine the lives of these famous people closely, you’ll find they share something common. All of them are famous because of hard work in their own fields. Hence, there’s no shortage of quotes that would match every situation.

The same is true about hard work quotes that you’ll read below.

These quotes on hard work are my personal favorites. And I hope you’ll like them too. These quotes continue to inspire me whenever I feel that my efforts are not getting the right results or when I feel like giving up.

  1. “Lot of people work had but successful people work hard at the right things.”- Dr. Stephen R. Covey.
  2. “I’m a great believer in luck. And I find the harder I work, the more I have of it.”- Thomas Jefferson.
  3. “Hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.”- Richard Branson.
  4. “Work hard in silence. Let your success make the noise.”- Oprah Winfrey.
  5. “A dream doesn’t become reality through magic. It takes sweat, determination and hard work.”- General Colin Powell.
  6. “All work that leads to success have to pass through Hard Work Boulevard at some point.”- Warren Buffet.
  7. “Some people dream of success while others wake up and work hard for it.”- Napoleon Hill.
  8. “Without labor, nothing prospers.”- Sophocles.
  9. “There’s no elevator to success, you’ve to take the stairs.”- Jim Rohm.
  10. “Sweat saves blood and blood saves lives.”- General Erwin Rommel.
  11. “Successful people are not gifted. They just work hard and then succeed on purpose.”- Eleanor Roosevelt.
  12. “Difficult doesn’t mean impossible. It means you’ve to work hard.”- Thomas Alva Edison.
  13. “If you don’t sacrifice for what you want then you’ve to sacrifice what you want.”- Peter F. Drucker.
  14. “Happiness is the real sense of fulfillment that comes from hard work.” Ayrton Senna.
  15. “Self-belief and hard work will always earn your success.”- Virat Kohli.
  16. “Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, loving what you do.” Pele.
  17. “I didn’t dream of success, I worked hard for it.” Estee Lauder.
  18. “Work like hell: it improves your odds of success.”- Elon Musk.
  19. “Work hard, be kind and amazing things will happen.” Conan O’Brien.
  20. “Great things come from hard work and perseverance. No excuses.” Anthony Robbins.
  21. “Having free time is not opulence. It is danger.” Radhanath Swami.
  22. “Work so hard that one day your signature will be known as an autograph.”- Unknown.
  23. “Miracle is another word for hard work.”- Osho.
  24. “When people succeed, it’s because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with it.”- Diego Maradona.
  25. “Without hustle, talent will carry you only so far.” Gary Vaynerchuk.

Here, I can confidently say these quotes on hard work will definitely motivate you whenever you face any roadblocks in life or feel your efforts are useless.

Remember, no effort is ever futile. In fact, people that work hard often find their rewards. Some such rewards may come sooner, others later.

Important Note about Quotes

As I mention earlier, people of all nationalities and ages are using quotes since ancient times. Hence, a quote made centuries ago is often repeated by famous people of our era.

Therefore, you might find the same quote with exact words being repeated by more than one person.

This isn’t anything to worry about. Usually, every leader, motivational speaker, politician and celebrity, among others, use the original quote. As a result, the quote becomes famous under their name while the real author sometimes remains unknown.

Best Way to Use Hard Work Quotes

Now let me tell you about my secret. Usually, I post a few quotes on my Facebook page according to my mood or feelings.

And I check how many ‘Likes’ it gets over the next few hours. As a result, I have to visit my post and read the quote. This keeps my motivation through the day.

Additionally, by posting hard work quotes or other similar stuff, you may be directly or indirectly encouraging someone in your social media network to get the necessary inspiration. That thought itself is another source of my inspiration.

Closing Thoughts

The next time you’re feeling low and want to quit something you’re doing, read some hard work quotes. I’m sure they’ll lift your sagging spirits and revive your energies.

And before I conclude, I’ll point out: quotes don’t work unless you do. Therefore, read the quotes and put them in action. You would definitely achieve your goals.

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