Top 10 Ideas to Recruit the Best Employee

If you are a human resource (HR) manager then it is your responsibility to recruit best employee in your company for increased productivity.

It remains a challenge for a HR manager to glean best of the talent from the pool. The success or growth of a company totally depends upon the skill of an employee.

Therefore, a HR manager has to in search of new ideas to recruit best employees.

Although you have to come up with innovative ideas to remain ahead of others but I could give you 10 tips to recruit efficient employees for your company.

Recruit the Best Employee

1. Develop a Personal Relationship with Colleges and University Campus

The 101 of HR management is to stay in touch with the colleges and universities campus. It is the campus from where you are going to recruit best and brightest of the students.

You need to keep coming back and have to meet teachers and students. Interact with students and try to find out what they think about their career and future.

You will get to know the kind of students which are enrolled in a particular college.

2. Be in Touch with All HR Consultants in Your City

Second best HR tip is to remain in touch with the entire human resource consultants in your city or area. I remember, my friend’s father used to be a HR consultant and he had a large network of fellow consultants.

He used to remain in touch with them all the time. In order to know what is going on in the industry he will always talk to various fellow consultants.

And that is the secret of recruiting employees of highest quality. You need to meet every possible HR consultant in your area. Invite them on a small get together and build a relationship with them.

3. Never Allow Nepotism to Come in Your Way

Next thing that you need to keep in mind as a HR consultant is to never allow nepotism to come in your way. It is the nepotism that destroys a company.

It is a normal practice that HR consultants who are corrupt favor their relative or closed friends to get employed in a company. Even though they do not have required skill for a particular job still they are pushed.

This is very dangerous because these employees are not going to perform in near future, as a result hampering the growth of a company. So you must be careful and do not lure into recruited junk talent.

Let me give you an example, the republican candidate Mitt Romney lost this election due to nepotism. It is because of favoring his relatives he gave the responsibility to run his election campaign to his closed friends.

So in the end he was misled and cannot beat Obama.

4. Harness Your Existing Employee Pool

You need to harness your existing employee pool; it means you have to talk to employees that you already recruited. You could ask them if they know fresher or experienced candidates who are very talented and suit the job.

For this you need to talk to your employees on a regular basis.

5. Arrange Seminar, Workshops, Symposiums, Quiz Competition with Brightest Final Year Students

To hunt talent companies all over the world organize seminars, workshops, symposiums, quiz competition etc.

I attend a quiz competition organized by Tata Company; you will get a chance to find bright talent which could hugely benefit your company.

Hence, you have to be present at such events if you want to employ best talent in the country.

6. Focus on Personality of the Candidate over Academic Qualification

If you are conducting an interview for filling a job post then you need to keep in mind that you must emphasize on the personality of the candidate rather its academic qualification.

Off course, academic qualification does matter, but for certain type of jobs you need to look how developed persona of a candidate is.

Therefore, the success of staying ahead in this competition of recruiting best talent is to choose right candidate for a particular job.

7. Respect the Talent with Appropriate Remuneration

Your company should remunerate appropriately as per their work and talent. If an employee is good then you should award him extra bonus.

If you are not doing so then the employee may hop on to another company leaving you.

So do not hesitate in giving money to your employees.

8. Do NOT Neglect Power of Social Media Tools like – LinkedIn

To find a talent you have to be on social media or web 2.0 sites like LinkedIn, Facebook etc. As you know today’s generation loves Facebook and Twitter.

There you could get to know young as well as experienced recruits who are looking for a job.

LinkedIn is a phenomenal service because it will tell you everything about your industry. You could remain in contact with other HR managers and recruiters and learn what they are doing that you are not doing.

9. Keep in Contact With other HR’s

It is a good practice to maintain a healthy relationship with other human resource managers like you.

It always helps you to learn something new from them that you could implement and see better results. HR’s which are smart enough to realize this always benefit their company at large.

10. Ultimately a Lot Depends Upon Your Personal Involvement

Finally, the mantra for recruiting best talent or employees is your personal involvement in everything.

From going to college campus to staying in touch with HR consultants, from avoiding nepotism to using power of social media, you need to take everything at personal level.

Everywhere you have to build a personal rapport with everyone you meet.

In conclusion I would say the secret of recruiting best employees is to implement above mentioned tips. It is not at all a rocket science, you need to learn daily and implement it.

If you want stay ahead of competition then recruit candidates who are best for the company not some junk.


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