Top 10 Ways to Motivate Your Employees

A popular saying says that ‘An employee’s motivation is the direct result of the sum of interactions with his/her manager’. As per this quote, it is the responsibility of the manager to understand, how to keep the employees motivated and engaged, so that the best work can be extracted from them.

When some employers do not know how to achieve this, some of them also overlook the power of motivation.

A simple theory states that the happier and more motivated the employees are, happier will be the customers of a business. But, how to motivate is the question.

The important point to be remembered here is that communication and recognition can always keep employees motivated. It is true that monetary rewards will help, but frequent recognition of accomplishments can be the best idea to encourage staff members.

Ways to Motivate Your Employees

Here are 10 ways to motivate your employees, in such a way that the best results and improvement can be achieved for your organization:

Motivate your Employees

1. Personal thanks: Thanking employees for their hard work can go a long way in motivating them. Also, you should remember to do it very often and with sincerity to reap the benefits thereof.

2. Praise in public: When an employee is praised for his achievements among his colleagues, he will be highly motivated. So, do not forget to recognize the efforts made by an employee towards the development of your organization during staff meetings.

3. Promote two-way communication: The best managers generally spend more time in listening as against talking. It is suggested that you should maintain a two-way communication policy. Reports state that employees, who feel comfortable in communicating with their supervisors, are more inspired as against those, who are hesitant to communicate.

4. Feedback and response: It is suggested that you should provide specific feedback or should respond on the performance of your employees. When this is followed in each and every department, you can expect the best output from each and every department and team working for your organization.

5. Customizing the reward: When it comes to honoring employees for the great work done, it can be in any form like announcing as ‘employee of the month’ or it can just be a face-to-face compliment as well. Here, it is better for you to understand about the type of recognition that will suit the individual, who has performed well and you can accordingly choose the best method.

6. Happy Environment: Generally, an organization that encourages initiatives and new ideas from employees and a place, where the work environment is open and trusting, will be considered the best by workforce to put their best. You can ensure to maintain a healthy work environment as a means of motivating your workforce.

7. Clear information: You can provide clear information and direction to your workforce with respect to how your organization makes or loses money. When an employee is given complete details about why he can fit into the overall plan, he will feel highly motivated to put his best.

8. High involvement: When you involve your employees in the decision making process, particularly in the instances that will affect them, they will feel motivated.

9. Reasonable rewards: You can choose to reward the employees on the basis of their performance. The more they showcase their talents towards the improvement of their organization, the better they will be rewarded.

10. Sense of ownership: Businesses, who have succeeded earlier have provided their employees with a sense of ownership. When they begin to feel that they will earn some percentage on the profits, they will contribute their best to improve the profits of their employer.

Remember that motivated staff is the cornerstone of product innovation and quality customer service. When the workforce is acknowledged for the achievements, you can let them know that their contributions are integral part of the success of your business. You can follow the other strategies given below as well:

  • Organizing family events
  • You can lead yourself as example
  • You can conduct timely employee reviews
  • You can carry out consistent reinforcement of your organizational expectations.
  • You should provide opportunities to the workforce to showcase their best performance

When these things are done, it will be possible to achieve the best results from the workforce, which will in turn contribute a great share towards taking your organization to higher ranks in the competitive business world.

Remember that ‘an expert in anything was once a beginner’. So, you should never forget to motivate fresher employees as well as they will have the energy and motivation to show their talents.

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