Ram Iyengar

5 posts
Ram Iyengar is a recently retired sales & marketing professional with expertise in B2B. Iyengar has lived most of his life in Mumbai, INDIA—a city which he says is truly different from all other cities in India—a cultural melting pot, a mini India.
should i get a credit card
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Should I Get A Credit Card?

Should I get a credit card? Read the article and learn about what is credit card. Why should I get a credit card by understanding the pros and cons of having a credit card? And decide whether you should get a new credit card or not.
Where Does My Salary Vanish Every Month?
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Where Does My Salary Vanish Every Month?

In this article, we've compiled 8 smart tips to help you start saving money from your salary in a practical and effective way. From tracking your expenses to negotiating your bills, these tips will help you achieve your savings goals.