How to Answer Very First Question “Tell Me About Yourself”

Did you know why this query “Tell Me About Yourself” is asked so frequently in most job interviews? This query is really an ice-breaker. Asking this query starts the conversion.

So you need to better be prepared with a solution. This query gives the interviewer an opportunity to know about the interviewee.

When you begin talking about yourself, interviewer starts preparing his/her next query. So there are high possibilities the next query that'd be fired on you'll be based mostly on the answer of this query.

As the answer for this can be based totally on you, you think and prepare it before the interview.

Also Refer:- Top 25 Common Interview Questions and Answers

7 Points to Consider When Answering “Tell Me About Yourself”

While preparing for the answer consider contain following points.

1) You: Tell them your name and which place you are from. Imagine you are “Gaurav Sinha”, then don't begin with “Myself Gaurav Sinha” ; commence with “I'm Gaurav Sinha”.

This is a commonplace mistake. Not satisfactory in interviews particularly in call center roles.

2) Your education: You will talk about your folks (cover up in short); you will talk about your how you came to the town, for example.

Tell them about your education i.e. Graduation / post-graduation. If you're a fresher then tell them the grades you were given. If you have done something else than others then tell them. It certainly adds a value!

3) Your experience: Talk about your full experience. Start from early years and continuously come to recent times.

If you've got a long experience then you shouldn't be doing same thing all years. Then precisely what you were doing?

This is what your interviewer wants to listen.If you're a fresher then talk about your projects.

4) This is of most interest to your interviewer. You could be having lot of expertise but how much experience you have per current job post is critical.

If you don't have it then you can talk about some related experience.Or if you don't have related experience too then say it clearly. Buy together with it give them confidence you can do it and you have genuine interest to do it.

Fresh applicants who don't have any type of experience, you need to show some positive angle and exhibit eagerness to learn and do new things. Be prepared to do new things.

Do not be disturbed that you'll mess up. Fresher applicants are predicted to do mistakes and your bosses are very aware of it so you do not have any reason to be scared. Listen to me nobody will give you more work than you can handle.

5) Don't describe your income or pay scale at this point of time ( unless explicitly asked ).

6) Avoid giving needless details. Price your interviewer's time.

7) The idle answer shouldn't last more than one minute.

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