How to Answer “What Do You Do”? (Few Best Tweaks)

what do you do

Appearing for an interview is exciting regardless whether you’re fresher or experienced jobseeker. You would definitely be looking forward to that dream job either to launch or further a career.

Regardless which category of jobseeker you are, it’s important to know how to answer “What do you do?” Because it’s a fairly common question that interviewers often ask candidates.

Why do they ask this question? That’s something you’ll have to understand clearly before responding.

Why Interviewers Ask “What Do You Do.”

what do you do

Usually, the way you answer the question “What do you do?” provides the interviewer with some insights about your personality.

Here’re some examples:

  • “I work as an engineer:” indicates you’re expecting academic qualifications to get the job instead of experience and skills.
  • “I’m busy making a career.”- another wrong answer. Indicates you’re leaving an employer for some hidden reasons.
  • “I do sales and marketing.”- usually shows you’re not proud of your work or job.
  • “I represent people as their lawyer.”- is an unmistakable sign that you’ll get into arguments.
  • “I do a lot of things.”- that’s what people with no clear career objectives usually say.
  • “I keep myself busy.”- sure sign that you’re a time waster.

Now let’s get this clear. None of the above answers are wrong. Nor do they signify any negative personality trait. And nor are such answers very significant to get the job.

As I mention earlier, the question is only to gauge your nature and personality. Remember, an interviewer isn’t hiring you only for skills or qualifications. They’re also hiring you to fit into their overall company structure and become a highly productive player.

Answering “What Do You Do”

Actually, answering the question “What do you do?” is fairly simple. If you are aware of a few tweaks that is.

Don’t Fake It to Make It

The first tweak: never create an answer that doesn’t suit your personality or portrays you wrongly.

If you’re argumentative, it’s fine. This means you’ll fight for the company’s rights and reputation. And if you’re a time-waster, that too isn’t an issue. It implies an employer isn’t utilizing your skills to the fullest.

Regardless of your personality, never fake an answer. By doing so, you might be disqualifying yourself for the job. Because this question isn’t the only one that indicates your personality. For example, your body language actually betrays your personality.

And don’t even talk about your CV and references. They would all show your personality clearly.

Putting it simply: never fake it to make it.

Adhere to Your Career Objectives

A career objective are the two to four sentences you write at the beginning of your resume. If you’re not writing a career objective on your CV, resume or bio-data, it’s a major blunder. You can find excellent tutorials on how to write a clear career objective from this link.

Therefore, when you answer “What do you do?” simply define how you’re trying to achieve these career objectives at your present job. And if you’re a fresher, such an answer would help you as well.

When you’re clear about what career objectives you wish to fulfill and respond accordingly, you’ll impress the interviewer. Because it implies you are clear about your future goals and not merely a job hopper looking for extra money.

Speak About Qualifications & Work

Another excellent way to answer “What do you do?” is by speaking about your educational qualifications and how you’re utilizing them at work. Speak very briefly about why you chose a particular course of studies and how you’re using the skills at your present job.

If you’re a fresher, you can also use the same tweak. However, speak a bit more about your qualifications while clearly mentioning you’re looking for a job that would help utilize them effectively.

Here, it’s worth noting that qualifications or experience alone doesn’t matter. They’ve to go hand-in-hand. When you speak about how you’re using qualifications for your work, you’re leaving a lasting impact. An interviewer can make you a spot offer for the job.

Avoid Speaking of Family Obligations

Speaking about family obligations is a clear indicator of responsibility. You might have that temptation to say you’re working to help your family.

That can prove a major blunder. When you speak of meeting family obligations, you are inadvertently saying you’ll jump jobs for a little more pay or if the work doesn’t suit your timings. That domestic problems would disturb your working.

Also remember, you’re there for your job and not to discuss your personal issues. Speaking about how you’re helping your family might win sympathies but won’t get you the job. Therefore, keep your family out while answering any interview questions, unless they pertain to your domestic life.

Highlight Your Achievements

Another superb way to answer “What do you do?” is by highlighting your achievements. When you’re answering what do you do, speak about the efforts and extra work you were exerting to achieve somethings for your employer.

Indubitably, an interviewer might wish to recruit you on the spot when you highlight that you’re busy creating and achieving major landmarks at work.

At the same time, suggest you’ll continue the trend in a subtle way. When you say you’re busy chasing various landmarks, it shows you’re not going to stop at anything.

And given the right resources you’ll perform even better. There would be no interviewer in the world that wouldn’t recruit such a jobseeker almost immediately.

Closing Thoughts

If you see the above tweaks, there’s something common among them. That is, you’re answering this question “What do you do?’ in a manner that favors the interviewer’s organization. Basically, ‘What do you do,” is also a question to find where and how you’ll be useful for the new employer.

Therefore, always answer “What do you do?” with a focus on the prospective employer. Because that’s what the interviewer wants to hear. After all they’re interested in your past only to find out how you could be useful for their organization, should they hire you.

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