5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Apply for the Next Job

After many nervous nights and annoying days, you have finally arrived at a decision. Now, you need a new job and over the past few months, you might have been thinking and rethinking, whether this is the right time to look for a new job.

This may be the right time to start out your new job search. This is because you should begin your search now itself before you are forced to a situation, where the desperate need for a new job arises.

Remember that one of the worst times to begin your new job search is after becoming desperate in finding one due to your financial stress of other reasons.

How about the feeling?

Generally, deciding on the search for a new job, irrespective of the labor market can be both frightening and exciting.

You may feel excited about new possibilities for your new career, while you may also feel frustrated about the time, energy and potential needed for achieving your dream job, besides handling the rejection involved in the process of job search.

So, you will have to find answer to certain questions, before you actually begin your new job hunt.

Here are the 5 questions to ask before you apply and even begin your search for the next job:

1. Which values are important? Find answer to which values are important for you at the present circumstances.

Earlier, you might have searched for job with more focus towards achieving financial stability. But, now, you might be giving more value to your career as against money.

So, this the question you will have to find answer to before you apply for your next job.

2. What is lacking in your current job? The next question you will have to find answer to is why you are looking for a better job than the current one.

For instance, if the tasks assigned by the present employer is not challenging, looking for a different employer giving the same position, will not bring any difference.

If you think that your current job lacks career growth, you can search a new organization, with better prospects to rise in the corporate ladder.

3. What kind of opportunities will permit you to give your best? Identify the opportunities you are looking for in your new position.

You might be interested in doing some types of jobs, just because you feel that you can put your best.

If you are not satisfied with your current job, you should begin your search according to your job of interest.

4. Are my cover letter and resume customized? It becomes important to identify whether your cover letter and resume are customized to grab the opportunity in the new organization.

This is highly important before you apply for the next job.

Once you think that the new company will be suitable for you after finding answer to the above-mentioned questions, now you should think whether the cover letter & resume will be impressive for the prospective employer.

5. Am I ready for the interview? Before you apply, it becomes important to think whether you are ready for the interview.

The recruiter might need you to attend interview within a short notice. So, there are chances that you might not get the time needed for preparation.

Think whether you have references and portfolio ready to go and if you do not have these things ready, it is better to set aside some time to get everything ready in place.

You should never wait for the phone call and then scramble. Everything should be in order in advance.

The time you spend towards finding answer to the above-mentioned questions will be of great help to you in ruling out opportunities that are not fitting.

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